How Do You Treat Spinal Problems?

It is easy to dismiss a car or falling accident, especially if you got away with minor bumps and bruises. However, while you think everything is okay, you may have sustained undetectable injuries that tend to manifest several days later. This is caused by the adrenaline surge that comes with the trauma caused by such accidents, causing your body to anticipate action.

You may even become numb to any pain during the accident. Once you are out of such a threatening situation, the pain, soreness, and discomfort may start to kick in. That is why you need chiropractic care to help you relieve such pain. Have you been involved in a minor car accident? This post covers everything you need to know about chiropractors and our services.

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

A chiropractor is dedicated to helping your body heal without the need for medication or surgery. We do this by manipulating your spine to align your musculoskeletal structure properly. This action-oriented manipulation encourages joint mobility hindered by an injury to body tissue. Such injury is caused by traumatic incidents such as sitting without adequate back support, stressed tissue, or falling.

Chiropractors use practice-oriented spinal manipulation to act as a pain relief mechanism for connective tissue, bones, joints, and muscles. Chiropractic care can also be used alongside medical treatment, depending on your condition.

How Chiropractors Treat Spinal Problems

Chiropractic care begins with your chiropractor taking your medical history. This is essential in determining any health conditions you might have and whether they may affect your treatment plan.

Next, you must undergo a physical examination to assess your situation further. This might involve distinctive imaging or lab tests to help us decide if chiropractic care will be suitable for your back pain.

Depending on your condition, your treatment strategy may involve one or several spinal adjustments. The chiropractor manipulates your joints by applying a restrained, sudden force to trigger or improve mobility.

Chiropractic care aims to restore normal mobility function, manage back pain and prevent major injury. Suppose you are looking for professional chiropractic care, Lone Star Spine, and Rehab endeavors to aid you in your recovery journey. We may also incorporate rehabilitation exercise and nutritional recommendations to boost your treatment plan.

Advantages of Spinal Chiropractic Treatment

Spinal issues are a major cause of chronic neck and back pain. Are you looking for a medication alternative to help you control pain or improve restricted mobility? Here are some of the most prominent benefits you can derive from chiropractic treatment:

Reduces Need for Opioid Pain Relievers

Opioid pain relievers are a common prescription for discomfort management in people with chronic pain. However, undergoing chiropractic treatment may reduce or do away with the need to rely on these drugs. According to the National Library of Medicine, adults who undergo chiropractic care are less likely to get opioid prescriptions than those who only visit a doctor.

Helps Neck Pain

Sitting for many hours or adopting poor posture when using your phone or computer largely contributes to neck pain. The tension in your neck muscles can cause varying levels of discomfort with more serious conditions requiring medical attention.

A chiropractor manipulates your spine to realign to relieve your neck pain. Cervical spine manipulation has been found to trigger neuropeptide level modifications in your blood. Neuropeptides are nervous proteins that act as neurotransmitters and consequently aid in short-term neck pain relief.

Soothe Back Pain

Chiropractic care offers a welcome alternative to surgery or other invasive means for relieving chronic or short-term back pain. We recommend seeing a chiropractor first before exploring conventional medication options. If you come to us with back pain issues, we may recommend one or several treatment options including, spinal manipulation, yoga, and exercise, among others.

Easing Tension Headaches

Tension headaches caused by stress on neck tissue can be eased or controlled with targeted upper thoracic and cervical spine manipulation. In fact, studies have shown that chiropractic care may be more effective than exercise and movement plans.

Improve Posture

Chiropractic care may be just what you need if you suffer from bad posture, headaches, and neck pain caused by excessive sitting. Spinal manipulation and adjustment are intended to rectify hunchback posture with regular treatments.

Final Thoughts

Spinal problems manifest in various forms of body pain, and chiropractors are highly trained to help treat them. Are you suffering from poor posture, back pain, or restricted movement? Undergoing chiropractic care is a prudent step towards addressing the problem. Talk to a chiropractor and begin your journey to recovery.

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