How to Sell on GCP Marketplace?

GCP Marketplace which is an abbreviation for Google Cloud Platform Marketplace. GCP Marketplace helps its customers to market, deliver and grow sales for their software solutions. This marketplace is considered to be one of the best for selling software solution or starting an online store.

It is also one of the fastest ways for the customers to get started on Google Cloud as well.

How to Sell on GCP Marketplace?

There are four main steps which you need to follow to sell on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. They are as follows:

Step 1: Submit your application

The first thing you need to do is to submit your application or business to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. The application or business needs to be listed on the GCP Marketplace for you to start selling through it. So, the first step is to submit your app and get it listed on GCP Marketplace. 

But before submitting your app, you need to make sure that you have reviewed and met all the fundamentals for listing your app. Also see if you have attained all the requirements for your packaging of your app and if you have configured the payment options as well.

Step 2: Upload images

In the next step, you need to upload container images for you to pass the verification tests. According to the guidelines for organizing your releases, these verification tests are required to make sure that the images for a version which is tagged with the release track and version numbers.

You can then need to push these images to the Container Registry Repository where they will be stored. After that you need to add your release to your GCP Marketplace. Then your application or business will be listed on the Partner Portal of GCP Marketplace.

Step 3: Add your software solution

In the third step, you need to add your software solution which you want to sell into the Partner Portal of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. You also need to add the marketing information for your solution in the portal as well and set up the product versions which you want to list as well.

If you want to create solution then go to the website: (For more details about how to create the solution, go to the official website of GCP Marketplace)

Step 4: Get Approval

In the fourth and the last step, you need to submit your software solutions with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. The team at GCP Marketplace will do some automated testing on it and review the solutions to see if you are worthy to be sold. These testing involves security scanning, functional testing and the metering integration testing. 

The team at GCP Marketplace also review the deployment flow, marketing materials, user guide and the security of the software solutions as well. Once you get the approval from the team then you are good to go to sell your solutions on the GCP Marketplace.

So, these are the steps which will guide you on how to sell on the GCP Marketplace. For more details visit the official website of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace.

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