Why Investing in BTC is Better Than Gold?

In terms of digital assets, cryptocurrency is one of the hottest topics in the digital market. Although massive varieties of digital currencies are available in the market, most people prefer cryptocurrency to make enormous profits. Check out the Dogecoin Millionaire Trading website for delving deeper into the concept of BTC. It is a fact that the value of BTC is highly volatile, but the market capitalization of bitcoin is constantly rising because of the increasing demand. 

The creation of bitcoin was possible with the help of blockchain technology, which led to a decentralized network, meaning anyone can become part of this BTC network. The most attractive and fascinating perk of using BTC and other cryptocurrencies using blockchain technology is that central authority can’t participate or interfere in any transaction. Some investors are naming BTC as digital gold because of its fascinating features. 

There is no role of any third party in BTC exchanges because it is offering peer-to-peer connections to their investors. Many international companies have successfully adopted BTC as a medium of exchange for company-related transactions. In terms of the global market, the face value of BTC is considered a stable value. However, there are reasons why most people currently prefer BTC over other investment assets like gold, silver, etc. In the below-mentioned portion, some prominent reasons are discussed.  

Scarcity of BTC   

Limited supply is the main reason for the expensiveness of gold in the market. You might wonder why BTC is rarer than gold and other assets like silver, platinum, etc. The number of BTC present in the blockchain network is 21 million, and a significant amount of bitcoin is still not mined by miners. The world’s population is far more than the number of maximum BTC, which means that not every around the globe can own this digital token. 

If you have ever heard about the digging out the procedure of gold from the earth, you might know that it is costly, which leads to a decrease in the profit margin of trading gold. On the other hand, you can generate new bitcoins in circulation through mining from a decentralized blockchain network. Furthermore, the expense of mining hardware and software is a one-time investment, and you will be able to mine next time using similar hardware. In simple terms, the exchange value of BTC is higher in contrast to gold, along with a high-profit margin. 

Immune to Theft 

The entire bitcoin network is developed using the most secure technology known as the blockchain. The fascinating feature of blockchain is that it leads to developing a decentralized network that cannot be controlled or regulated by any higher or central authority. In bitcoin and other blockchain-used cryptocurrency-related transactions, only two parties (sender and receiver) are involved, and there is no need for further involvement within the network. 

You might know that these digital tokens don’t exist physically in this world. Due to the physical inexistence of BTC, there is no need to fear getting your coin stolen from the blockchain. It would help if you kept in mind the only factor in choosing the most secured wallet, like cold storage wallet. 

Because of the cryptographic mechanism, there is no need to worry about duplicating crypto tokens in the bitcoin network. On the other hand, anyone can steal gold from you because of its physical existence. Getting your gold lost by theft is one of the most common issues for the people who own gold accessories. Therefore, in terms of a security point of view, people usually prefer BTC because it is next to impossible to steal tokens from the blockchain network.

Liquidity of Investment 

It is a fact that bitcoin is a more liquid asset than gold because you can make instant payments using BTC. Moreover, according to some international traders, BTC is one of the best ways of making international payments because of the instantaneous transaction facility offered by their network. 

Along with speed, they also offer safe space for storing confidential information. Furthermore, the financial authority and the judicial sector will not be able to interfere in the BTC network because of decentralization. As technology increases, most multinational companies are adopting BTC as a currency. This year, El Salvador has successfully announced bitcoin as their legal tender money, also known as fiat currency. So, bitcoin offers high liquidity to its investors, and they can convert their holding into cash anytime.

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