Creating a Weekly Schedule for Class 8 Hindi Exam

Hindi may seem like an easy subject. However, to score well in the class 8 Hindi exam, students need to study well and manage their time. In class 8 Hindi, there are various chapters and poems. The second section is Hindi grammar. 

The grammar section has different exercises such as fill in the blanks using the grammatical rules, give one word for a sentence, essay writing, letter writing, and reading comprehension. To cover the entire syllabus, you must make a weekly schedule that will help and motivate you to study and score well in your exam. 

Before you start making your weekly study schedule, you must go through the syllabus, review the length of the chapters, the number of questions in each chapter, and the syllabus for the grammar portion. After you’ve reviewed the syllabus, allot at least two different slots of time every day to Hindi. 

Here’s a sample weekly schedule that you can follow. You can tweak it according to your choice.

  • Day 1: Monday
    • 5:00 AM – Wake up, brush your teeth and freshen up. Do some light exercise and stretch.
    • 5:30 AM – Take a shower.
    • 6:00 AM – Have a healthy breakfast.
    • 6:15 AM – Read the summary of the two chapters that you need to cover today.
    • 6:30 – Leave for school. Be attentive in class. Staying attentive in school will help you during your preparation and revision. Half of the task of understanding the chapters can be completed in the class itself. If you are allocated a free period, do not waste it. Start reviewing or reading the chapter.
    • You should be back from school by 2:30 PM. Take some rest, change into comfortable clothes, have a nourishing lunch, and then take a nap for 15 minutes.
    • 3:15 PM – Wake up and freshen up.
    • 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM – Read the assigned chapters for the day thoroughly. Mark all the necessary words and phrases that are new to you. After you are done with the chapter, look for the meaning of the words that you have marked. Write the meaning alongside the text. After completing both the chapters, go through the word meaning of both the chapters. After completing this, take a rest for 15 – 30 minutes. 
    • 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM – If you have any tuition classes to attend, you can utilize this time for the same or you can use this time for studying other subjects.
    • 7:30 PM – 8:00 PM – Learn the word meanings of the two chapters of Hindi that you covered this afternoon. Be thorough with them. They can fetch you a lot of marks easily. 
    • 8:00 PM – Have something light for dinner.
    • 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM – Practice a grammar exercise. This can include essays, letters, and reading comprehension. 
    • 9:00 PM – Go to bed.

You can use this schedule for the other 4 days of the week, namely Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and cover two consecutive chapters each day. This way, you will be able to cover at least 10 chapters in the first five days. For grammar exercises, try to cover different exercises each day. Start with the exercise that you find much more difficult or complex than the others. 

For day 6 and day 7, namely Saturday and Sunday, you can make a different schedule. In most schools, Saturdays are either off or half-day. Depending on that, students can follow this sample schedule:

  • Day 6 – Saturday – Half day
    • 5:00 AM – Wake up, brush your teeth and freshen up. Do some light exercise and stretching.
    • 5:30 AM – Take a bath. 
    • 6:00 AM – Have a light breakfast.
    • 6:15 AM – Go through the summary of the next two chapters that you need to cover.
    • 6:30 – Leave for school. Attend the classes in the same manner with total concentration and utilize any free period available.
    • On a half-day, you should be back by 1:00 PM. Have an early lunch and take a nap.
    • 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM – After waking and freshening up, complete the allotted chapters along with reviewing the word meanings of the chapters.
    • 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM – Learn the word meanings of the covered chapters.
    • 4:30 PM – 5:00 PM – Cover the grammar exercise.
    • 8:30 PM – 9:30 PM – Do an extra chapter for the day.
  • Day 6 and Day 7 – Off days

You can utilize the following two days to cover more chapters. Covering four chapters and giving an hour to grammar practice should be your aim.

  • Wake up around 7. 
  • After having a healthy breakfast and taking a bath, allot an hour for covering the summary of the four chapters that you are to complete that day. 
  • Give one hour before lunch and one hour after lunch to cover the entire chapters along with the word meanings. 
  • In the evening, take out an hour for grammar practice. 

Instead of using both days in the same manner, you can even use these days for the revision of the chapters that you have covered during the week. You can use Vedantu NCERT Hindi class 8 for revision. You can switch among chapters and poems according to your own understanding and comfort.

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