11 Best Practices For Healthy Teeth

If you wish to have healthy teeth, you need to take care of them consistently. You need to follow a dedicated routine to keep your teeth clean and healthy and prevent toothache. You need to use the right oral care products and be mindful of your dental habits. Oral health issues go beyond cavities and gum disease. Research also shows that there is a connection between your oral health and your overall well-being. Tooth decay and gum diseases can lead to pain, self-confidence issues, and even tooth loss. Hence, timely treatment from an expert like Andrew J. Sampalis, D.D.S. and Associates, Ltd. is the first step to resolve any such issue. We have enlisted a few health practices that will help you maintain good oral health. 

1. Brush Your Teeth Before Going To Bed

You should brush your teeth twice daily to keep them healthy. However, many people fail to follow this routine and neglect their dental health. Brushing your teeth before going to bed helps an individual eliminate all the germ build-up and plague accumulated during the daytime.

2. Brush Properly

The way you brush your teeth also plays an important role in maintaining your dental hygiene. You should brush your teeth properly in gentle circular motions to remove the plaque. If the plaque is not properly removed, it can harden up and lead to calculus and gingivitis build-up.

3. Don’t Neglect Your Tongue

Germ and plaque build-up is also very common on the tongue. Hence, it is necessary to clean the tongue thoroughly to avoid problems later. You can gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth. 

4. Use A Toothpaste With Fluoride

Make sure the toothpaste you use contains fluoride. Fluoride has the capacity to kill germs that cause tooth decay. It acts as a protective barrier on the teeth. It also whitens and brightens your teeth. 

5. Do Not Forget to Floss

Many people who brush regularly often forget to floss. Flossing is done not just for removing food stuck between the teeth but also promotes gum stimulation. It lowers inflammation in that particular area. Flossing your teeth once a day is sufficient to reap the benefits. 

6. Flossing Might Seem Difficult. But Don’t Let That Stop You. 

Flossing might seem difficult for some people, especially those who have arthritis or for young children. Rather than giving up on flossing, try to find available tools in the market and make flossing easier. Many drugstores sell ready-to-use dental flossing tools that can make a huge difference in your dental care routine. These products are not very expensive either. Hence anyone can use them and reap their benefits. 

7. Go For A Mouthwash

Most people are unaware of how mouthwash works. Advertisements claim that mouthwash is essential for good oral health. This may not be entirely true. But mouthwash helps to reduce the amount of acid present in the mouth. It remineralizes your teeth and reaches hard to brush areas around the gums, thus ensuring complete oral hygiene. Mouthwash is also beneficial for children or old-aged people who can’t brush their teeth properly. 

8. Drink A Lot Of Water

Water keeps your body hydrated and boosts overall health and well-being. It ensures good oral health too. You should drink water after every meal. It helps to flush out food that might have stuck in your teeth while eating. It also neutralizes the effects of acid in the mouth. 

9. Eat Fibre-Rich and Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables get your jaws working. They contain a lot of good fiber that cleanses the teeth. Some fruits also possess teeth whitening properties. Dentists recommend avoiding ready-to-eat foodstuff as they are mushy and don’t have any benefits for your teeth. Also, they contain harmful preservatives and colors that might harm your teeth in the long run. Hence, it is best to avoid these foods. 

10. Avoid Sugary Foods and Acidic Foods.

Sugar is responsible for eroding the enamel of the teeth. Also, acidic fruits, caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee can wear down enamel. You do not have to avoid completely is kind of food, but being mindful will help you retain good oral health. 

11. Visit The Dentist Twice A Year.

Everyday habits also play a major role in overall dental health. However, even the most dutiful and diligent brushes might lead to tooth problems. You should visit the dentist at least twice a year for cleanups and dentistry procedures

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