5 Effective Strategies for Protecting Your Data Online

Given recent events, more and more industries were pretty much forced to consider an online approach in terms of many things. Contactless payments, for example, are now a thing of the past – as more and more people opt for fully online payments/shopping.

As such, it goes without saying that a significant amount of our information is being uploaded online, every single day. Considering the multitude of cyber-attacks throughout the world, especially in the Middle East, it is vital that we know Data Center Smart Hands how to properly protect our online data!

Encrypt Your Communication

People can easily access public Wi-Fi hotspots when they’re in town and use the internet that they provide in order to upload various data online – even something as simple as location data. However, what most of them don’t know is that cybercriminals can hack these public hotspots just as easily, thus gaining access to your online activity.

Ultimately, this leads to the loss of privacy and, in more serious cases, to leaks of sensitive data such as passwords and bank accounts.

The best thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to use a VPN. It is a tool capable of hiding your IP address and also encrypting your online traffic while connected to the internet. If you protect yourself using a VPN, you’ll surf the web within a safe and encrypted private tunnel.

Keeping Your Devices Updated

One of the main reasons why data breaches happen is out of date software! Many people don’t seem to understand the importance of a new version of certain software. They think that it is only aesthetic.

However, new versions come with updated virus definitions as well as with patches that solve bugs that would otherwise allow for data to be stolen, for example.

This is why experts always recommend leaving the automatic updates feature on at all times, despite it being annoying. One timely update can keep your device safe and prevent hackers from having access to your online data.

Unique Login Passwords

It’s true – having a single password for all of our online accounts seems logical, especially if we have a strong password. However, that’s the worst thing someone could do if they want to protect their data online.

If you use a less secure app or website and their data center gets breached, then hackers will have access to your account, including its password. From there on, they’ll try to login with that password on the email you used to register the account with. Ultimately, every account associated with your email address will be hacked!

The best thing you can do in this case is to have unique passwords for every online service that you use. A password manager/generator can make this task a lot easier!

Two-Factor Authentication

Let’s say that you’ve just made an account on an app that turned out to be dangerous for your online data. You try to disable the account or change your data, but it’s too late and a hacker already has access to your password and email account. What do you do?

Well, preventing this kind of thing is done before they actually happen – by enabling and using two-factor authentication. With this feature on, you’ll have to input a random pass code or one sent via a text message when logging in from a new location. 

In short, the hacker may have access to the account you have on a small platform, but they won’t be able to access your other accounts if you have two-factor authentication.

Don’t Save Passwords in Apps or Browsers

Many apps, after installing them, offer you the option to automatically save (record) your username and password in case you need them in the future. This feature allows you to auto-fill forms online, for example.

It goes without saying that you should avoid such a feature. If a brand-new app that you installed on your phone can pull data from your other apps and suggests that you auto-fill your account and password from other apps, then malicious apps or software can do so as well. 

Keep your online data safe by never allowing browsers, apps, and so on to save your passwords or the login data of an account. 

Read this also: Best Security System Solutions Providers for Business

The Bottom Line

We often think that hackers will have no use for our data in case they manage to steal it. However, the truth is that hackers will always find ways to use emails and accounts that are not theirs. You may even find out that your email is responsible for sending corporations scam emails!

In this respect, everyone must protect their online data, regardless of what they share with apps/software or not. You keep your privacy intact by taking one extra step to protect your devices and sensitive information!

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