Secure Your Online Business Transactions in 5 Easy Steps

E-shopping today is quite obviously a lot more sophisticated than it was a few years ago. With so many options online, many business transactions also take place. One could be sitting at one corner of the world and buying something from the other corner. E-commerce has not just grown but boomed exponentially in the past decade. According to a Statista report, by the year 2023, of the total retail sales globally, 22% would be e-commerce. Had the internet been a new and budding phenomenon, there would have been barely any trace of any fraud or malpractice on digital transactions. But alas, that is not the case as growing traffic on the web has also led to many undesirable elements trying to dupe innocent and unsuspecting people online. The fact is that online transactions are not always as secure as you might think they are. One of the crucial aspects of E-commerce is the payment system, and it’s also the most over-reliant part. 

In recent times, there have been multiple cases of fraud, attacks and transaction poisoning. Hence, you must stay safe and ensure that you can secure online transactions and are not vulnerable to attacks. Here are five easy ways to ensure online payment security:

1. Apply the SSL certificate encryption

With security threats growing day by day, online shoppers are unwilling to share their financial credentials as they’re afraid of attacks or malicious hacks that would compromise their credit card details, passwords or any other financial details. SSL certificate or Secure Socket Layer provides a safe and secure transfer-layer contact between two endpoints. SSL certificates work side by side with the HTTP protocol to give a more secure- HTTPS protocol. Having an SSL certificate warrants that every communication and file transfers between the server and browser stay encrypted and safe. Those who are intended to receive the data have the correct key to decrypt the communication. Cheap Wildcard SSL are critical to ensure the safety of online business transactions and financial credentials. Such Wildcard SSL certificates will secure multiple first-level subdomains in addition to your chosen primary domain.

2.  Update your operating system

To make hacking more complex, it’s essential to update security protocols constantly. Having an obsolete system creates multiple entry points for an attacker who is continuously trying to develop new techniques to infiltrate the system.  By frequently updating your operating system, you’re reducing the risk of online fraud and safeguarding your business transactions.

3. Ensure who gets access to restricted information

You should limit the access of confidential data in your organization as it’s a severe security threat.  This information should only be accessible to only those whose role dictates the use of these sensitive data for operations. If every employee has easy access to such information, it would be susceptible to a data breach of fraud.

4. Secure the login section

When customers log in to their respective accounts on your website, they trust you with the safety of their credentials. Hence you must make sure that the login section is as safe and secure as possible. If not, hackers and attackers make their way in, and your customer’s data is vulnerable. From HTTPS and SSL Certificates to having personal verification systems, you can take various safety steps to secure the login page.

5. Don’t store your customer’s payments information

Getting rid of the payment data as soon as the payment has been received is one of the easiest ways to secure online transactions. Storing your customers’ payment information is high risk and highly unsafe practice as it gives a brief history of unsuspecting customers’ financial history. The attackers can take this data and use it for malicious transactions.

In conclusion, keeping your customers’ payment and financial credentials confidential and safe is of paramount concern and should be taken seriously. Even a slight lapse of attention could lead to disastrous results and eventually not only breaching your customers’ data but also their trust. Therefore, following these above mentioned dramatically reduces digital payment fraud risk and ensures online business transactions’ safety. It warrants a safe business environment and comforts and reassures your customers’ to do business with you, giving you a competitive edge over your business rivals.

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