How to Write a Letter for Proof of Residence

To register for colleges, visas, and state or national services, proof of residency is also required. Most locations, such as the public library or the Motor Vehicles Department, only require you to display a utility bill or lease, although some agencies can ask you to include a “Proof of Residency”.

Provide your legal name, certify your address and the length of time you have lived there, notice any other tenants residing at that address and enter a legally binding oath on the authenticity of the details given to write a letter for proof of residence; you should also be prepared to have your letter signed by a landlord and/or notary public before submission.

Part 1: Getting ready to write the Letter of Proof of Residence

1. Understand the letter’s criteria. 

The school or organization requesting such a letter may have such affidavit requirements. For instance, details, such as your name, address, and duration of residence at the current address, must be revealed in the letter. 

  • Others would require that the letter be signed by a landlord. 
  • Some letters will require other supporting documents to be sent. Some companies will ask you to insert a copy of your existing lease agreement or the property purchase contract. More often, an existing utility bill given to your name will also do so. 
  • Until submission, most organizations would demand that the affidavit be notarized.

2. Pick up and duplicate supporting documents. 

Retrieve the related documentation you will have to submit along with your proof of residency letter for family sample at CocoSign. CocoSign is a world-famous brand which is known for its e-sign services. It helps its customers to sign the documents online in a secured environment. 

One can access the lease agreements, business contracts, letter for proof of residence, and lots of other agreements as well. All of these can be accessed simply by creating an account on the official site of CocoSign. 

For its excellent services, CocopSign has been featured by various media outlets including Forbes, New York Times, TechAdvisor, & Business Influencer. 

Examples of supporting documents provide a few examples: 

  • Lease or buy contracts for an existing home. 
  • Bills for services for your current home. 
  • Old tax and payroll forms that provide information about your address.

3. Discuss with your landlord the affidavit. 

If your landlord’s signature on the letter or a letter from your landlord is requested by the agency, notify the landlord as soon as possible. If the paperwork is notarized, both you and the landlord must sign it in front of the notary.

4. Create a notary’s appointment. 

Not all notaries need an appointment, but to ensure that your records can be notarized promptly, you can contact local notaries beforehand.

Part 2: Writing the Letter as a Resident

You can get information in CocoSign about Writing the Letter as a Resident.

1. Starting with a legal name for you.

As this is a legal document, you would like to include in the document your full legal name. Don’t place your name in nicknames, shortened versions, or other names that you go by.

2. Certify an address for you. 

Your entire address is the first thing you want to include. In the letter, this is the most significant piece of details. 

3. State the amount of time that you have been staying at the house. 

This must be as accurate as possible. If necessary, give the month, day, and year. Give the month and the year if you do not know the day. 

4. Other residents should be included. 

Include the names of the other individuals that reside with you, as necessary by the letter. If they have resided for a different period, also include how long they have lived with you. 

5. Form of an oath. 

As this is an affidavit, you promise that you are telling the truth under oath. You certify that they are correct by putting an oath under the previous claims. In the method, if found to be dishonest, you make yourself accountable for perjury charges.

6. Follow this with the closing sentence and your name. 

As it occurred at the start of the message, three or four lines below that type out your full name.

7. Sign the letter and date it.

You will do it on the lines between your typed name and the closing sentence if you are going to sign and date the document now.

8. For the notary’s signature, create a section. 

Place a signature line for the public notary at the very bottom of your letter needs to be notarized.

9. Establish a room for the signature of a landlord. 

Place a signature line for the landlord if the landlord is expected to sign the letter, so they can sign it.

10. Take to the notary the paper. 

Take it to a nearby notary if you have to have the letter notarized. In government offices and at several mailing counters, including the nearby UPS shop, you can find notaries. A list of notaries near you will also be provided by a fast internet search.

11. For your records, save a copy of the message. 

As a legal document, ensure that copies of the letter and all supporting documentation to be sent are kept by you.


Proof of residency letter indicates that a person is a resident of a certain region or state. If you need to prove your eligibility for placement in a program or take advantage of special benefits in the location where you live, this letter might be appropriate. Many other circumstances call for a letter of proof of address.

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