Important Facts About Well Water And Well Water Filters

A well water filtration system is designed to eliminate impurities and contaminants from private wells. So, if you want to keep your well water clean, then you need to get a filter for water well

Here are some facts about well water filter systems:

There Are Two Main Types Of Well Water Filter Systems

1. Main water line Filter

To ensure that all the water entering your house is properly filtered, it’s best to install a well water filtration system on your main water line. 

2. Point Of Use Water Filter.

There’s also the under sink water filter, that filters the water that is coming out from a specific tap. 

Well Water Testing Is Mandatory

For purity and safety, well owners need to have their well water tested. Since state regulators or the EPA doesn’t regulate private well, homeowners are responsible for the quality of water testing services they get. If they choose to go for poor quality water testing, they’ll be made to suffer the consequences with other members of their household. A comprehensive water testing should include tests for Arsenic, Bacteria, Chromium 6, Mercury, Nitrates, Radon, Volatile organic compounds, and other chemicals.

Having A Well With Clear Water Doesn’t Necessarily Mean It Hasn’t Been Contaminated

If you’re in the process of buying a home and it’s been confirmed that it has a well, you need to make sure the water in there isn’t contaminated. Even if you’ve gone to the house and seen that the water is sparkling clean, that still doesn’t mean it might not have been contaminated. The proper way to know if our water is contaminated or not is by carrying out tests on them. Yet, just because water is safe after you’ve checked it once doesn’t mean it’ll continue to be safe. Although contaminated well water can be disinfected using well water filters, still, it is crucial to test water to detect the problem with it and to ensure the right well water filter system is used to tackle them.

Wells Can Be Shocked To Disinfect Their Water

To shock a well, you add high levels of bleach into the well system in order to kill the bacteria in there. While carrying out this process, no one will be allowed to use or drink the water in a household. So, it’s best to carry out this process when the faucets and toilets in a household will not be in use for an hour or more. To shock a well, what you do first is to pour a single gallon of bleach into it. Then, you’ll turn off the faucet and let the bleach stay in there for an hour. Once that has been done, you can now turn on the faucet and run the water until the bleach smell has disappeared. 

Well Water Filtration Serves As A Barrier Against Health Issues

Accidental contamination from chlorine, aluminum, and other elements can cause health issues like vomiting and stomach upsets. So, therefore, water filtration systems serve as barriers against health issues. They prevent impurities from reaching well water that can promote the health issues listed above. The human brain is around 75% water, so our body needs a consistent supply of healthy water to function properly. Though our immune system can detect and protect us against bacteria invaders, some contaminants like virulent E.coli bugs can cause serious diarrhea and intestinal infection. It’s often found in unfiltered water and contaminated foods.

Well Water Filtration System Is Largely Used in Developing Countries. 

Since wells are the major source of water in developing countries, the use of well water filtration systems and treatment plants is most common there. Whilst one can probably survive for 3 to 4 weeks without food, one can die of dehydration that has lasted for just one week. So, the importance of a good water filtration system cannot be overemphasized.  

With the rise in the number of antibiotic-resistant diseases in the world today, every homeowner needs to take water filtration seriously. A properly installed water filtration system will no doubt help to ensure the members of a household keep getting access to clean water and reduce the chance of getting infected.

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