Features of Korean Culture: Things That You Will See Only in Korea

South Korea is one of the most amazing countries in the world. She has a unique culture and a unique way of thinking. You can try out your non-standard thinking at home by playing online blackjack live.

At first, this country may seem quite strange, but as soon as you get to know it better, you begin to realize that South Korea is an amazing place. From the strange rules regarding school uniforms to the incredible cleanliness of public toilets – here are 4 things that you will see only in South Korea.

Brushing Teeth in Public Places

Every meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner is accompanied by brushing teeth in Korea. Cleaning takes place outside the bathroom. When you go to work, a business meeting, or just a walk with friends, you take your toothbrushes. Public toilets, shopping malls, colleges, and metro stations are always crowded with people. They are standing in line to brush their teeth.

It’s completely socially acceptable to brush your teeth at the desk at work.

Koreans take oral health very seriously. They don’t mind brushing their teeth almost anywhere. Many people carry their toothbrushes with them all day. Koreans prefer to brush their teeth outside the home, for example, at the workplace, in a restaurant or even a gym, at a bus stop or subway station. You can even see people brushing their teeth in public toilets.

School Uniform

Currently, there is a public discussion of school uniforms in South Korea, especially school uniforms for young girls. President Moon Jae-in has given his cabinet the task of changing the current design of the uniform to something more functional and comfortable. For sweaters, hoodies, and shorts for both boys and girls. 

The modern uniform is similar in style to the European uniform, which for girls usually consists of a white shirt, a plaid skirt, and a tight blazer. 

Teenage feminism is the reason for these changes in the country. The so-called free movement for freedom from corsets was actively supported by young South Korean feminists. They refuse makeup, protest against arrogance at school, and file complaints with the government, insisting on a new alternate uniform for girls.

For them, a repressive school system that punishes students for their uniforms – for example, girls cannot wear blue ties instead of red, because blue is the color of men – causes a lot of complaints.

Bowing is an Important Part of Korean Etiquette

In Korea, bows are more often used, rather than hugs or handshakes. Hugs are addressed only to close friends or family members. Knowing this fundamental aspect of Korean culture will help you avoid many awkward situations. Knowing this unwritten rule, you definitely won’t start hugging all your new Korean colleagues on your first day at a new job.

In any case, you need to learn how to make a humble bow, as this is an integral part of Korean etiquette, and it doesn’t matter if you want to meet someone or express gratitude. Keep your hands to yourself. Instead, make a deep bow.

Koreans Work Very Hard and a Lot

The pressure that people experience does not end after graduation, it continues to exist until you retire. Foreigners working in Korea should work as hard and as hard as Koreans. Stress from work is a major factor in depression and anxiety. Recently, thanks to a change in legislation, a weekly work restriction was adopted – the number of hours was reduced from 68 to 52 hours.

Korea’s economy is among the fastest growing in the world, but the question arises, is it worth the efforts of people who put so much effort into making this economy so efficient?

In a patriarchal culture, male breadwinners spend a lot of time at work, and this is taken for granted and right by society.

Koreans often find themselves in a situation where bosses are arrogant towards the people who work for them and expect people to serve them and indulge their every whim.

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