Three Highly-Effective Content Syndication Strategies For Bloggers

Content has surely become the king of the digital platform. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to improve your brand image or looking forward to launching and marketing your new product or service, the one thing that will matter the most is ‘Content’. This is the main reason why businesses present on the online platform invest so much money in building an impeccable content strategy and make the content produced and published by the firm work like a magic wand for the company.

If you are present on the online platform and have been working on building an impeccable content strategy then you must have come across the word content syndication. This content strategy is simply the republishing of content on other websites in order to reach a broader audience but this simple content strategy is doing wonders for businesses present on the online platform. After going through the content syndication definition, you must have realized that it’s not only limited to brand awareness and reach but it also allows you to build high-quality backlinks and increase the traffic on your own website.

So, let’s look at the 3 super effective content syndication strategies that can be used by bloggers.

Syndicate Third-Party Content on Your Blog

The best strategy for syndication of content will be asking other websites to allow publishing their content on your own website. According to the experts, every onsite blog page should have at least 10% of syndicated content. Even if all the onsite blogs on your official website will not be unique, it must help the readers in solving their problems or getting relevant information.

If you already have an onsite blog page then you must be aware of the challenges you would have faced while approaching a big influencer of your industry to write a dedicated blog post for your company. In most of the cases, such influencers aren’t ready to write blogs for specific businesses.

But you don’t need to worry as you can ask an influencer of your industry to give you permission for posting their already published blogs. Most of the influencers will feel honoured to be approached for permission for posting their published blog post. Syndicating third party content on your blog is one of the most important parts of B2B content syndication.

Syndicate Your Blog Content on Other Websites

Another effective strategy for syndication of content is featuring your blogs on the partner website. There must be many blog posts published on your own website and if you are really looking forward to making the most of your B2B content syndication, then you can feature these blog posts on someone else’s website as well.

There are basically two ways you can go for featuring content on someone else’s website like Experts Badge:

100% syndicated content- In this type of deal, you never produce unique content for your partner website. All the articles and blogs published on your website are featured on your partner website.

Blend of original and syndicated content – In this type of deal, you send a mix of both original content and published content to your partner blog. Like if your partner website agrees to publish 4 blogs then out of these make sure that a single piece should be original content.

Every website will be interested in featuring free content but you will have to make sure that the content is enticing, unique, and properly formatted. And this is why, in most of the cases, partner website will continue the deal only till you are able to match their expectation.

Posting Content on Websites That Syndicate Their Content

If you are thinking that allowing others to post your published content and featuring other’s published content is the only two ways of B2B content syndication then you are wrong and you haven’t gone through the content syndication definition properly. There is one more way you can go for syndication of content and that is by becoming a regular contributor for a reputed website that regularly syndicates its content.

For example, by becoming a columnist to a website like INC, you can easily publish to a content syndicator and get palpable results from your efforts. But make sure that the website that you are choosing for becoming a regular contributor ends up on bigger partner sites as this will help you in widening your reach.

Make sure to opt for a trusted and experienced multi-channel content syndication service provider that can easily find millions of decision-makers that are always active on some of the most popular social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. Such firms use the right resources to present your content in front of the right people, at the right time and this is why they stand out from the crowd. Choose wisely!

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