Grow a healthy Monstera Plant with these tips

The Monstera plant, also known as monstera deliciosa, hurricane, and Swiss cheese plant, is said to have the most recognizable leaves in the world. You must be curious as to why it is called “Swiss Cheese Plant”, this is so because its leaves have iconic splits and holes. It is native to Central America, and in other regions, you can find them in tropical areas. These plants can reach up to 60 feet or more in height. It is a fact that the unique shape of these leaves allows them to stay undamaged around tropical rain forests. It also helps in taking a few streaks of sunlight. Although indirect sunlight works best for them. It is best suited for your living/dining room since it can take up a lot of space. With this, you can expect purification at its best in the area. To grow this beautiful plant efficiently without any hindrance, here are a few Monstera Plant Care tips for you by Bonasila, India’s leading FRP planters manufacturers:

1. The Right Temperature: 

  • This plant prefers warmer temperatures, as well as humidity and plenty of indirect sunshine. Most houseplants, including the Monstera, thrive well in normal indoor temperatures. 
  • The main thing to keep in mind when caring for this plant is to avoid placing it close to a chilly environment. 
  • Monsteras are susceptible to cold temperatures, and rapid dips in temperature may cause the plant to become stressed. 

2. Amount of Fertilization:

  • Monstera grows swiftly, so you would think that it requires a lot of fertilizer, but that isn’t true! Even throughout the growing stage, it DOES NOT require a lot of it. 
  • During the growing season, which is spring and summer, you should fertilize it once a month, and during the dormancy season, which is fall and winter, you should not fertilize them at all. 
  • It is resting and preparing for the next growing stage during this time.

3. Pest Attack: 

  • When it’s healthy, Monstera is a sturdy plant that doesn’t have many pest problems. When it’s stressed, shocked, or debilitated, it’s subject to pests like scale, mealybugs, and spider mites, among others. 
  • You may avoid these pests by paying attention to what your plant is trying to tell you. It’s not too late if you observe any pests, such as mealybugs, appearing.
  • The first thing you should do is double-check that your plant is getting enough light and water. The goal is to ensure that it recovers from the pests.
  •  The second step is to use soapy water to gently clean the leaves and stems. This will drown the bugs, allowing you to eliminate them from the entire plant at once.

 4. Propagating the Plant:

  •  Monstera Plant Care is easier to propagate than other plants, and there are various methods that you can opt for. The first method can be to prune them and remove a significant portion of the stem. 
  • This will provide enough moisture and nutrients to these plants, for them to begin producing roots on their own.
  •  Another option is to wait for it to develop air roots. With this, your plant is informing you that it’s time to disseminate it. 
  • The stem below the air roots can now be cut off.

5. Dropping of Leaves: 

  • Somedays you might be feeling, what’s up with your Monstera’s leaves falling off? Quite often, nothing is wrong with your plant! 
  • This usually happens when Monsteras are putting forth new leaves, hence it ends up dropping the old ones. 
  • The plant is shedding its older leaves to offer nutrients to the young stems and leaves, allowing them to grow large and strong. 
  • So this is perfectly natural and not a reason to be concerned about your plant’s health.

6. Toxicity: 

  • Unfortunately, tropical plants are frequently hazardous, and the Monstera is no exception. 
  • Both humans and pets may be affected by the sap from the stems and leaves, which can cause indigestion and vomiting. 
  • If you think your children or your pets will try to eat the stems and leaves, keep these plants away from them at any cost!

7. Repotting Monstera: 

  • Monsteras are a fast-growing plant. This means that getting a pot that’s a little bigger than the roots is always a smart idea for Monstera Plant Care. 
  • This provides a lot of room for the plant to flourish. You should report them every two years if it grows healthily and consistently. 
  • When it begins to outgrow the pot it is currently in, it will require more space. 
  • If you believe it has grown large enough and you do not want it to grow any larger, you can stop repotting it and cut it back to the size you desire. This aids in the control of growth.

8.  Water Them Well: 

  • Since monsteras are tropical plants, they prefer to grow in damp soil. 
  • When it comes to watering, it should be done as soon as the soil at the top of the pot becomes dry. You can use a moisture metre or your finger to check this.
  •  You will know it’s time to water your plant if the top 5 cm (2 inches) is dry. It’s best not to over-water the soil because the leaves will begin to droop. 
  • When this happens, you must water them as soon as possible to prevent them from drying out.
  • When you observe brown and crispy edges on your plant’s leaves, it’s another indicator that it’s starting to dry up. The plant itself will tell you clearly if you are watering it too much or too often.

9. Decoloured Leaves: 

  • Overwatering is evident when you see yellow, brown, or black tips on your Monstera’s leaves. 
  • If this is the situation, the best thing to do is to stop watering, drain the excess water from the soil, and then let the soil dry out before watering again.
  •  If your plant is going through root rot, it’s advisable to report it and place it in some fresh dry soil.

10. Light Requirements: 

  • In bright, indirect sunlight, Monstera thrives. 
  • This is a tropical plant that flourishes if you can provide it with the same amount of light as it receives in its natural habitat.
  •  This plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight because it grows on the ground under huge trees in highly sunny regions in forests or natural surroundings.
  •  In the summer, try to keep them away from direct sunlight as much as possible to avoid burn marks on those huge, gorgeous leaves. 
  • Since the Monstera grows close to the ground in nature, it can endure low light, but it will grow considerably more slowly as a result. For any plant to grow well, it needs proper light. 
  • Monstera’s leaves become yellow if kept in a gloomy environment.

We hope that with these tips, you were able to look after your plant baby very well and with ease. We would love to know about their growth process and any other tips if you feel like sharing! Drop in your comments and let us support a greener Earth by becoming a responsible citizens. Grow more, Glow more! 

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