Handy Tips For Attending a Wine Tasting

Going for a wine tasting is always something to look forward to if you enjoy wine. Not everyone is familiar with what to expect and it can be intimidating for someone that is attending such an event for the first time. There are hundreds of wine-tasting events that happen throughout the country every year. If you’re wondering what you should be looking forward to, here are some tips that will come in handy for a fun and educative experience when attending a wine tasting.

Dressing For the Event

Depending on where the event will be located, you want to make sure that you’re dressing right for the occasion. You don’t want to wear high heel shoes when wine tasting will be taking place in the countryside. To hide potential pills, make sure that you’re wearing dark colors. Have a purse with you if you’ll be carrying extra items that will need to be stashes so that your hands are free during the wine tasting. Going on a Niagara Falls wine tasting means that you might only have one hand free the whole time because the other one will be holding a wine glass.

Avoid Wearing Fragrance

Smell plays a big part in the tasting. When you wear fragrance, it can be challenging to smell the wine. You’ll also make it to others as well. Imagine a scenario where everyone is wearing perfume in a wine tasting event. There will be unwanted aromatics which will make for a tasting that is unpleasant.

Develop a Tasting Plan

You don’t want to go to the event without a tasting plan. Ideally, you’d want to try as many wines as possible within the given time frame. To do this, the focus will be to avoid getting drunk as that will ruin the whole experience. Having a guide is important so that you’ll know where to go and the different types of wine that you should try out.

For someone that has an idea of the wine tasting experience, you can divide your plan into savoring the classics and experimenting with the unfamiliar. This provides a holistic wine tasting experience.

Make Sure to Eat

Taking wine without eating will easily make you drunk. Make sure that you’re eating well so that you’re not drinking on an empty stomach. Most wine tasting events will also include food because they’re aware of the repercussions of not eating while consuming alcohol. You should also drink a lot of water as it helps you stay hydrated.

Don’t Forget to Spit

Pacing yourself is crucial if you’re to enjoy the whole experience. There will definitely be good wine and it can feel like a waste spitting it out. The tasting can add up pretty quickly and it will only be a matter of time before you get completely wasted if you’re not tracking your intake. Practice the spitting at home so that you’re doing it courteously without attracting any attention.

Take Notes

For an avid lover of wine, the tasting should also be a learning experience. Since you’ll be tasting different types of wine, it can be hard to remember the specifics. Taking notes helps in having clarity of the whole experience. The tasting event could be a scouting expedition on the bottles to buy to add to your collection. You can even group the wines based on specific metrics so that it’s easy to identify the ones that you like most.

Ask Questions

Wine is more delicious and enjoyable when there is a story behind the bottle. What other way of knowing the stories than to interact with the winemakers? Winemakers are always present at such events and will gladly answer questions and interact with the attendees. It’s easy to make a question and you can even be introduced to bottles that aren’t commercially available.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

There are people that take wine tasting too seriously that they forget to unwind and have fun in the process. Wine tasting shouldn’t be approached as an academic endeavor. You’re there to learn and have fun. You’re not attending a business seminar but tasting wine.


For the wine tasting to be a success, you’ll first have to identify the events to attend. There are companies that offer wine tours and not just the tasting for a more immersive experience. You get to appreciate the whole process right from the moment the grapes are harvested to when the glass of wine is served.

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